Legal and contact details

Mandatory details pursuant to section 5 of the German Law on Tele-Media (TMG)


karo IP Patentanwälte
Kahlhöfer Rößler Kreuels PartG mbB
Platz der Ideen 2
40476 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 976 356 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 976 356 10

Tax code: 105/5911/4212

Sales Tax Identification Code (VAT): DE 815734224

Partnership with limited professional liability
Local Court [Landgericht] Essen
Register number PR 4115

Shareholders authorized to represent the firm:

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rößler, LL.M.
Dipl.-Ing. Justus Kreuels

Partners of the firm are only those who are inscribed in the partnership register.

Competent regulator:

Patentanwaltskammer (German Association of Patent Attorneys)
Tal 29

80331 Munich
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 242 278 0

Telefax: +49 (0) 89 242 278 24

All shareholders who are authorized to represent the firm are members of the German Association of Patent Attorneys. They have been awarded the qualification of patent attorney in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The shareholders who are authorized to represent the firm are also “Licensed Representatives at the European Patent Office” and licensed to work as “European Trademark Attorneys”.

In addition they are all members of the European Patent Institute (epi).

The people engaged in this profession are subject to the following professional rules and regulations:

German Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys (PAO)
German Professional Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys (BOPA)
Code of Conduct of the FICPI (CC FICPI)
Code of Professional Conduct of the epi (CC epi)
German Law on Legal Fees (RVG)

These rules and regulations can be viewed on the following websites:

PAO and BOPA: website of the German Association of Patent Attorneys –
CC FICPI: website of the FICPI –
CC epi: website of the epi –
RVG: website of the “Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer” (German Federal Bar Association) –

Responsible for content (section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV)):

karo IP Patentanwälte
Kahlhöfer Rößler Kreuels PartG mbB

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rößler, LL.M.
Dipl.-Ing. Justus Kreuels

Logo and visual concept:

Pictures: iStock, unsplash


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